Like in the accumulation of uniformly knitted rows, there is fluidity and familiarity in this work– invoked by the rhythmic patterns of each ceramic texture as well as the ordered arrangement of the ceramic forms themselves. The highly textured surfaces protruding from the wall and the smooth, negative space between them establish a simple basketweave pattern: A, B, A, B // B, A, B, A. The clay goes over as the wall goes under. As if a poem with a specific rhyme scheme, the end of one row anticipates that of the next.
Caesura refers to the punctuation in the middle of a line of poetry. A comma, period or semicolon offers a space for breath in the midst of the rhythmic meter. The wall provides a pause between the highly textured surfaces. Here, the pause or the breath is not only an interruption–as in a poem, but an integral part of the steady pattern.
Over, under, over, under,
Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale
This work was commissioned by NINE dot ARTS and it is installed in the 1111 Church Street Apartments in Nashville, TN.